Special Collections and Archives

Digital Collections

Special Collections and Archives

Digital Collections


Kent State Shootings: Digital Archive

Audio recordings, photographs, artworks, and thousands of documents from the May 4 Collection, documenting the May 4, 1970 Kent State shootings.

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Kent State Shootings: Oral Histories

Audio recordings and textual transcripts to oral histories documenting the Kent State shootings and their aftermath.

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Kent State History: Digital Archive

Photographs, maps, and other materials documenting the history of Kent State University.

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Borowitz True Crime Digital Collection

Primary and secondary sources documenting the history of crime, from the Borowitz Collection. 

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Externally Hosted Collections

Chestnut Burr

Digital version of the Kent State Chestnut Burr yearbook, published from 1914-1985. Includes searching capability. Hosted on Internet Archive.

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Daily Kent Stater

Digital version of the Kent Stater / Daily Kent Stater campus newspaper, dating from 1926. Hosted by Veridian.

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Digital Exhibits & Featured Collections

Lafayette Tolliver: Visual Footprints in Time


Lafayette (Lafe) Edward Tolliver was a Kent State University student photojournalist during a remarkable time in the history of the...

Keeping Kent Open


Immediately following the Kent State shootings, President Robert White ordered that the University close and an injunction was then granted...

Campus Strike Papers: The Aftermath of May 4 1970

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This exhibit highlights a selection of the responses that are found in the Campus Strike papers in Special Collections and...

The Truth Demands Justice: A Snapshot History of the May 4th Task Force


The student-run May 4th Task Force (M4TF, sometimes called the “May 4 Task Force”) was founded in October 1975, to...

Spotlight on Special Collections & Archives at Kent State

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Selected books, manuscripts, and archival materials that illustrate major areas of strength in the collections Click on the subject areas (see...

Featured Collection: Lafayette Tolliver Photographs

Lafayette Tolliver is a Kent State University alumnus who attended the university from 1967-71, graduating with a Bachelor of Science...

Kent State Shootings: Featured Audio Recordings

This exhibit features selected audio recordings from the May 4 Collection, which documents the 1970 Kent State shootings and their...