Kent State Shootings: Oral Histories

Doug Guthrie Oral History

Kent State Shootings: Oral Histories

Doug Guthrie Oral History

Transcription Show Transcript
Narrator Guthrie, Doug
Narrator's Role Student at Kent State University in 1970
Date of Interview 2019-05-04
Description Doug Guthrie was an undergraduate studying sociology at Kent State University in 1970. He discusses his early years on campus and how he was part of a relatively small number of students who were involved in protesting the war in Vietnam. He relates his experiences during the days leading up to May 4 and shares his clear and detailed eyewitness account of the shootings. His experiences during the aftermath are a vital part of his story: he went through a difficult, indecisive period followed by finding his vocation and a deeply rewarding and significant career in public service.
Length of Interview 1:15:24 hours
Places Discussed Cedarville (Ohio)
Kent (Ohio)
Time Period discussed 1968-1972
Subject(s) Bayonets
Bullet holes
Canfora, Alan
College environment--Ohio--Kent
College students--Ohio--Kent--Interviews
Common fallacies--Political aspects
Conflict of generations
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Ohio
Evacuation of civilians--Ohio--Kent
Eyewitness accounts
Frank, Glenn W.
Kent State Shootings, Kent, Ohio, 1970
Kent State University. Blanket Hill
Kent State University. ROTC Building--Fires
Kent State University. Tri-Towers
Lewis, Jerry M. (Jerry Middleton), 1937-
Martial law--Ohio--Kent
Miller, Jeffrey, d. 1970--Death and burial
Ohio. Army National Guard
Polarization (Social sciences)
Presbyterian college students--Interviews
Scheuer, Sandra, d. 1970
Schroeder, William, d. 1970--Death and burial
Students for a Democratic Society (U.S.)
Tear gas munitions
Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Protest movements
Young Republican National Federation (U.S.)
Repository Special Collections and Archives
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Institution Kent State University
DPLA Rights Statement
Format of Original audio digital file
Disclaimer The content of oral history interviews, written narratives and commentaries is personal and interpretive in nature, relying on memories, experiences, perceptions, and opinions of individuals. They do not represent the policy, views or official history of Kent State University and the University makes no assertions about the veracity of statements made by individuals participating in the project. Users are urged to independently corroborate and further research the factual elements of these narratives especially in works of scholarship and journalism based in whole or in part upon the narratives shared in the May 4 Collection and the Kent State Shootings Oral History Project.
Provenance/Collection May 4 Collection